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Monday, August 17, 2020

General Knowledge- 03 | Date- 17/08/2020

Code No.


Date- 17/08/2020

General Knowledge

This is a General Knowledge related blog here you find GK Questions and Answers on the India and its States in the form of multiple choice questions which strengthen the knowledge of aspirants who are preparing for the examinations like UPSC, State Services, IBPS, SBI, SSC, Railways etc.


1- General knowledge

1. The Ninth Five-Year Plan document envisages an industrial growth rate of 
(A) 7,2% (B) 9.3%  (C) 10.3% (D) 12.2% (E) 14.5%.

2. Raman Lamba, who died recently, is associated with which of the following  sports ?
(A) Hockey (B) Boxing  (C) Swimming (D) Table Ternis (E) Cricket. 

3. The birthday of which of the following scientists is observed as the National Science Day ? (A) Ramanujan (B) C.V. Raman (C) Jagdish Chandra Bose (D) Prof. S. Chandrasekhar (E) Dr. Homi Bhabha.

4. Glaucoma is a disease related to which of the following organs of the human body ?
(A) Lungs (B) Heart (C) Ear  (D) Kidney  (E) Eyes. 

5. Which of the following technical terms is not related to computer systems ?
(A) Virus (B) Winchester Disk  (C) Mouse  (D) FIFO system (E) MICR.

6. The Institute of Advanced Studies is located at whichof the following places ?

(A) Hyderabad   (B) Bangalore    (C) Shimla          (D) Bombay      (E) None of these.

7. According to which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution, Members of Parliament have immunity against anything said or any vote cast in Parliament ?

(A) Article 319  (B) Article 370  (C) Article 105

(D) Article 326   (E) None of these,

8. Sardar Sarovar Projectis not beneficial to which of the following States ?

(A) Gujarat (B) Maharashtra (C) Madhya Pradesh

(D) Rajasthan (E) Kanataka.

9. Which of the following is the unit for measuring electrical resistance?

(A) Watt (B) Ampere (C) Ohm

(D) Coloumb (E) None of these.

10. Konkan Railway passes through which of the following groups of States ?

(A) Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka.

(B) Maharashtra, Goa, Karriataka, Gujarat

(C) Tamil Nadu, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala

(D) Goa, Karnataka, Kerala

(E) Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka.

2- Full Forms

BIMSTEC: Bangladesh, India. Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation

BRO : Border Road Organisation

BSE : Bambay Stock Exchange

BSNL : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.

BPL : Below Poverty Line

BSF : Border Security Force

C-in-c : Commander in chief

CADA : Command Area Development Agency

CAG : Comptroller and Auditor-General of India

CAS : Conditional Access System

CBFC :Central Board of Film Certification

CBI : Central Bureau of Investigation

CBM : Confidence Building Measure

CBR : Crude Birth Rate

CBSE : Central Board of Secondary Education

CCI : Cricket Club of India

CDAC : Central for Development of Advanced Computing

CD : Compact Disk

CDM : Cold Dark Matter

CDR : Crude Death Rate

3- Reasoning

(Directions : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: 
A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a straight line (not necessarily in the same order) facing North.
(a) D sits fourth to right of E.
(b) C sits third to left of F.
(c) A is not an immediate neighbor of C or D.

1. How many persons sit between E and B ?
(1) None   (2) One   (3) Two   (4) Three   (5) Four  
2. What is the position of E with respect to F? 
(1) Third to the left        (2) Third to the right       (3) Immediately to the right   (4) Second to the left (5) Immediately to the left 
3. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from right to left, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original seating positions?
(1) None   (2) One   (3) Two   (4) Three  (5) Four
4. Who sits at the extreme left hand  corner of the line ?
(1) E    (2) C     (3) F    (4) B    (5) None of these 
5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
 (1) CA     (2) FD     (3) EF     (4) DE     (5) AB

4- Current Affires

1) Indian Navy to urgently procure 10 ship-based drones.

2) Urdu Poet Rahat Indori passes away.

3) Govt approves sale, registration of electric powered cars barring batteries.

4) Railway Ministry runs first ‘Kisan Rail’ between Maharashtra, Bihar from August 7.

5) Google launches People Cards Feature in India.

6) Saudi Arabia ends loan, oil provide to Pakistan.

7) Seventh Pay Commission Update for Central Government Pensioner: Govt personnel retiring throughout COVID to get pension.

8) Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman launches on-line dashboard of National Infrastructure Pipeline.

9) India-UK verify shared dedication toward Free Trade Agreement.

10) India to impose first-class curbs on 370 gadgets consisting of Chinese products.


1- General knowledge :

    1) (d)         2) (e)         3) (b)         4) (e)         5) (d)        
    6) (c)         7) (c)         8) (e)         9) (c)         10) (e)

3- Reasoning

  1) (3)         2) (4)         3) (1)         4) (2)         5) (4)

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